Project Name: Sustainable mobility and aviation
Client: Elise – Elektrisk Lufttransport i Sverige
Year: 2021 – 2022
Sustainable mobility and aviation
Transformation to more sustainable transports provide new growth opportunities for people, businesses, and regions. The previous dominant logic of carbon offset is currently being replaced with carbon reduction technologies. Electric aviation is one such technology that brings the potential of net zero transportation to new networks and route systems.
Stairway is a facilitator and advisor to several new actors in the sustainable transportation landscape. Skills applied include a practical system perspective, integration of sustainable finance drivers (SDG, ESG) and thorough insights in behavioural change. The overall methodology is based on value-creating systems, where former industry verticals are elevated to new network constellations.
As a practical case Stairway was assigned to do the final work with the WP3 ”Commercialization and Markets” in the Elise project. The purpose of the project was to collect the development and usage of electric aircrafts in Sweden. The project resulted in a design for a 19-seater regional aircraft (Heart Aerospace ES-19) with a fully electric drivetrain.
Read more about the case: Elise – Elektrisk Lufttransport i Sverige Steg 2